I've got 4 packs through this thing and am very pleased.


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Last night I was driving with my 10,000mah battery. Really cruising around and actually spending some time on the throttle. It was around 28-30F so I was able to hang out outside for quite a while. Decided the berm in the front yard would be a good jump, turns out I was right. Got some great air, the truck levels out really well, even with the brushed system in it and it'll plow through some snow like a champ. I did notice that after driving in some snow that's deep enough to just get into the chassis, I would get some intermittent behavior on the throttle. I chock that up to ice turning to water in the motor. She's a runner though.
It was. My Castle setup just shipped, so I'll have a brushless system in it sometime next week. I'm really looking forward to that. I know it'll take the run time down a bit but the additional punch will be super fun.
This is actually the first brushed vehicle I've purchased in a long time. I don't plan on upgrading any of the drive train. I run my ERBE on 6S and have never even killed a stock diff. I've burned through some drive shafts and have replaced the center cv's with the steel units. Throttle control will save more components than any amount of reinforcement. Same with the Durango buggy. I imagine the stock drive train on this unit will deal with the output of the brushless system. It's not oversized and I don't plan on running 3s in it.

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