Temper Gen 2 Battery Upgrade Question and More.


New Member
I just bought my temper gen 2 and I’m barley getting any run time out of the battery (maybe 20 mins max) I want to upgrade to a loop battery or something that will give it the power it desperately needs. I also want to look into more upgrades I have already upgraded the wheels and tires to one size up what can I look to upgrade next for low speed control?
20mins honestly is pretty good. You can generally have good run time or high power. Both will cost you $$$.

2s 100c something around 8000mah should be a decent compromise for the price. For low speed control a metal gear steering servo and ejther the hot racing or rpm steering setups

25KG Digital Servo Full Metal... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07VBRJSKP?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

That’s what I put in a Ruckus with the big 2.8 monster truck tires and I still need to turn the rate down at the controller so I’m not sure I’d go more than 30kg. Lots of people running this Amazon brand hood bang/buck

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