Wanting an ECX Revenge


Active Member
Smithers, WV
The Revenge is on my short list. The problem is what to choose electric or nitro. But so far I have seen only the electric so my choice might be made for me.
Well, nitro would be harder to come by now... and will be needing more wrench time. In my experience though, the extra effort makes hearing 30,000rpm sound a lot sweeter!
The Revenge is a frickin blast, and stupid durable.

Fun fact, ecx bought the rights to XTM's 8th scale cars, and used one for the front of the exc, and another for the rear. Tha Rail was one of the two. If you can fins old stock of XTM parts, so still fit the ECX.

I will add that the car is way more durable the ECX's normal offerenings. I had a Torment 4x4, and the quality difference is amazing.

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