Wheel compatibility?


Well-Known Member
Oregon, WI
I've been looking around and can't find the size wheel to replace the stock wheels for a 2wd BL Ruckus listed anywhere. Hobbyking chat support only showed me Torment style wheels then gave me links to 1/8th scale wheels and some weird link to a 6 wheeler...needless to say he was clueless. So what are the specs I should look for to replace the wheel, not the tire so much, but the wheel as I somehow broke the inner part that connects it to the shaft to make it turn. Recommendations for replacements with links appreciated. Thank you!
I don't know what the wheel and tire size is on the Ruckus. But I wouldn't be surprised if your best options are
- buy another pair of the stock wheels and tires premounted from Horizon ($22)
- buy a set of proline trenchers on desperado wheels ($80ish)

The trenchers are slightly smaller (124mm diameter instead of 134) but they are appreciably grippier in just about any conditions.
I'm having the same issues. I ended up going with the Duratrax Lockups MT for mine. The are maybe 5-7mm smaller in diameter.

I've ordered a 17mm conversion kit for mine for Traxxas from Hot Racing. I'll let you know in a week or so how those pan out... That will allow me to go slightly larger.

The Ruckus has one of the biggest tires for 1/10 that I've seen. And not many places give the O.D. of their wheel/tire sets. It's frustrating.
Buying just the wheel is not really a solution, because once you removed the tire from it by which ever way you prefer (cooking, acetone etc.) the foam inside might be destroyed. Also look into why your wheel hex was damaged. Mine was because of the wheel nut backing out. I bought some steel lock-nuts and so far no issues.

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