Brushless Gearing


New Member
New to SCT trucks just ordered a 4300kv brushless for the Torment. Do I need to change spur or pinion. Any suggestions. Did order metal trans gears and upgraded drive shafts also in case they twist
The motor purchased is a Goolrc 3650 4300kv with a 60amp esc.

Did you order the programmer? You will want the ESC programming card too.
I ran an 80amp ESC with 3800kv motor, my gearing is 87spur, 24 pinion.
Your going to have to just mess around. Digital temp gauge is your friend, to try and find the proper gearing.
Heres my general advice when moving brushed to brushless start with the stock brushed pinion if you feel the need for more speed move up in pinion and as kruz suggested get IR temp gauge then try to keep motor temps below 160F. Gear up or down based on temps and how happy you are with the performance (but ultimately temps don't want to burn anything up applies to brushed as well).
Installed the Goolrc motor and Esc. Upgraded transmission to metal gears, driveshafts to HD slash and RPM arms and knuckles in preparation of some good fun. Only got 4 minutes out of it till ESC went up in smoke. Uuhgg
Installed the Goolrc motor and Esc. Upgraded transmission to metal gears, driveshafts to HD slash and RPM arms and knuckles in preparation of some good fun. Only got 4 minutes out of it till ESC went up in smoke. Uuhgg

Well I am sorry you ended up as part of the " miss " club and not the hit because that's what the cheaper esc's are hit and miss. I have a OCDAY 80a in one one of my Rustlers now running a 3650 4300kv motor on 2s and 3s seems to be doing fine. I have a 120a Goolrc (waterproofed myself) in my Ruckus running a 3650 4300kv now was running a 3660 4300kv on 3s but kept breaking parts.

You can try a OCDAY 80a esc or spend more money on a quality esc like a Hobbywing.

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Hi all, I'm sorry that happened to you with the esc. I'm in the same process of learning to go brushless. After doing some little research, apparently the esc 60a is not suitable for the 3650 4300kv motor. That motor needs 75A minimum to be just at the limit of its requirements. It is recommended to have the esc at least 20% stronger than that. I just ordered today a 120a Ocday and a 3660 4300kv. Hopefully it will work.

As you have a lot of experience dealing with this upgrades, could you please give me some advice about gearing and what other parts I should upgrade to prevent damages. My torment is stock setup, just changed the brushed motor for a Radient 12t which got burned in a week, so goingbrushless better. I also changed the driveshafts for generic Traxxas slash. Just scared after you said it kept braking parts.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Almost forgot, can you please explain how you waterproofed the esc?
Hi all, I'm sorry that happened to you with the esc. I'm in the same process of learning to go brushless. After doing some little research, apparently the esc 60a is not suitable for the 3650 4300kv motor. That motor needs 75A minimum to be just at the limit of its requirements. It is recommended to have the esc at least 20% stronger than that. I just ordered today a 120a Ocday and a 3660 4300kv. Hopefully it will work.

As you have a lot of experience dealing with this upgrades, could you please give me some advice about gearing and what other parts I should upgrade to prevent damages. My torment is stock setup, just changed the brushed motor for a Radient 12t which got burned in a week, so goingbrushless better. I also changed the driveshafts for generic Traxxas slash. Just scared after you said it kept braking parts.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Almost forgot, can you please explain how you waterproofed the esc?

3660 motors have more torque than 3650 motors it just put more strain and stress on other parts. Larger tires like on the Ruckus put even more stress on the drive train. Torment SCT sized tires won't be as bad. I also have a heavy trigger finger everybody's style of driving is different what maybe fine for one will cause problems for another.

The 120 Ocday should work well with that 3660 motor the 120a Goolrc I have in my Ruckus worked fine even on 3s with a 3660 4300kv motor. Go ahead and get the program card also if you have not already.

Driveshafts I am not sure what you mean by generic Slash. The ones I am using now are rear Integy shafts from Slash 4X4 seem to be holding up I guess I maybe lucky cause most of what I hear is Integy is trash.

It's best to use something like conformal coating to waterproof electronics but I went cheap and used Liquid Nails clear seal sealant, Take the four screws for the heatsink out and pull it off plus the plastic cover. The electronics on mine had no coating on anything for waterproofing but it did not claim to be waterproof. I just coated the electronics with the sealant except for the FETs under the heatsink just coat around the outer edge where the heatsink sits.

I had a Ocday 60a fry on me when it got a little wet came to find out it had no coating on the electronics even though said waterproof. My Ocday 80a same thing says waterproof yet no coating. I just got another 60a Ocday and to my surprise opened it up and found waterproofing coating so I don't know but I will always check to make sure from now on with the cheap stuff.
3660 motors have more torque than 3650 motors it just put more strain and stress on other parts. Larger tires like on the Ruckus put even more stress on the drive train. Torment SCT sized tires won't be as bad. I also have a heavy trigger finger everybody's style of driving is different what maybe fine for one will cause problems for another.

The 120 Ocday should work well with that 3660 motor the 120a Goolrc I have in my Ruckus worked fine even on 3s with a 3660 4300kv motor. Go ahead and get the program card also if you have not already.

Driveshafts I am not sure what you mean by generic Slash. The ones I am using now are rear Integy shafts from Slash 4X4 seem to be holding up I guess I maybe lucky cause most of what I hear is Integy is trash.

It's best to use something like conformal coating to waterproof electronics but I went cheap and used Liquid Nails clear seal sealant, Take the four screws for the heatsink out and pull it off plus the plastic cover. The electronics on mine had no coating on anything for waterproofing but it did not claim to be waterproof. I just coated the electronics with the sealant except for the FETs under the heatsink just coat around the outer edge where the heatsink sits.

I had a Ocday 60a fry on me when it got a little wet came to find out it had no coating on the electronics even though said waterproof. My Ocday 80a same thing says waterproof yet no coating. I just got another 60a Ocday and to my surprise opened it up and found waterproofing coating so I don't know but I will always check to make sure from now on with the cheap stuff.
Thank you very much for your valuable piece of advice. I'll let you know once I get the parts installed. Do you think 21/87 Gear would work? I mean thinking about temperature issues.
Thank you very much for your valuable piece of advice. I'll let you know once I get the parts installed. Do you think 21/87 Gear would work? I mean thinking about temperature issues.

Should be fine I ran a 22t pinion so with smaller tires like on the Torment the temps should be ok. A larger high kv motor like the 3660 4300kv will use up the battery a little faster but you should not be short on power. I am not sure about the grip the Torment tires get but with that 3660 4300kv motor with the power it has (at least mine) with the added weight you may start to wheelie it should be fun. Also I am sure you know you will need a 5mm bore pinion.
Yeah, going brushless and not upgrading many parts before and after is everyone's struggle. Brushless gives more power and more strain on stock plastic parts. Wheel hexes, driveshafts, plastic tranny gears, etc.
Tune the shocks, don't upgrade right away.
Replace front steering knuckles to aluminum.
Turnbuckles for better camber and toe for handling.
I mean the list goes on.

I run 87 spur, 22 pinion. (2wd torment)
Should be fine I ran a 22t pinion so with smaller tires like on the Torment the temps should be ok. A larger high kv motor like the 3660 4300kv will use up the battery a little faster but you should not be short on power. I am not sure about the grip the Torment tires get but with that 3660 4300kv motor with the power it has (at least mine) with the added weight you may start to wheelie it should be fun. Also I am sure you know you will need a 5mm bore pinion.
Hi Heyitsme, ok Finally got the parts except for the 5mm bore lol.. I upgraded to the metal transmission, front and rear turnbuckles, new caster block, steering block, rear hubs, Traxxas Drive shafts (plastic so I am expecting to destroy them in the first race), spur, proline BFGoodrich Baja tires, esc ocday120A and motor 3660 4300kv. I can wait to see it run. Just a couple of little questions. In your ruckus, Do you have any additional cooling fan for the motor? I got the programming card but not sure what parameters are the most suitable. I left Low V cut off 3.1v, Start Mode Strong, Max brake 50%, Max Reverse 50% and Neutral Range 9%. Is that ok? and finally Could you please send me a photo of yours to c how you installed the combo?

Almost forgot. I opened the esc and exactly as you said, it does not have any waterproof protection. So, I am still thinking about how I will make the coating. I am thinking about the whole for the plugs from the receiver and the fan. It would get water inside anyway.

Cheers Mate!
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Well, just a little update. Everything installed and working well, It end up gearing 23/87 and it is ridiculously fast. I have to be very careful with the trigger, it's a willies machine at any speed. Just love it. Awesome combo.
Well, just a little update. Everything installed and working well, It end up gearing 23/87 and it is ridiculously fast. I have to be very careful with the trigger, it's a willies machine at any speed. Just love it. Awesome combo.

Looks like you got it figured out loosen up the slipper for less wheelies or not and enjoy the ride on two wheels :D
Yeah, what he said. Loosen the spur gear nut small amounts from tight until you find that perfect launch. Remember, if you loosen, it does eventually wear out the pads, you will need to tighten.
Then don't scrap the old pads, just take sand paper to clean them up, and continue bashing away.
(Note, go 1 full rotation of turn out from tight on the tension nut to spring, is a good starting point)
You will need to buy the 9t pinion gear but it is just as expensive to buy a 550 brushless motor which is what I did and I highly recommend a lot more speed and power. Plus I don’t recommend the goolrc motors esc is fine motors burn out esc
Yeah, what he said. Loosen the spur gear nut small amounts from tight until you find that perfect launch. Remember, if you loosen, it does eventually wear out the pads, you will need to tighten.
Then don't scrap the old pads, just take sand paper to clean them up, and continue bashing away.
(Note, go 1 full rotation of turn out from tight on the tension nut to spring, is a good starting point)
Yes mate, you are right. I destroyed the slipper pads in a day. But it was actually a blessing in disguise. I found that Hsp or Hobby works 81t, 48p spur gears fit totally perfect in he ECX, and give you room for a bigger pinion. So I ended up with 25/81. Very very fast. Still getting used to the trigger, it can backflip at any speed.
I would also like to know if there is a gearing I should go for. I've got 13.5t 540 brushless combo on my torment with metal trans gears, hot racing driveshafts and the stock spur/pinion. Should I go for more speed or torque?
It's all comes from the temperature of your motor, mine is 25/81, very fast and the torque from the 3660 is just ridiculously strong. I took it to the track last week and controlling all that power is a finger challenge. Now, I will replace transmitter and install a wheelie bar to kill it!! ?
It's all comes from the temperature of your motor, mine is 25/81, very fast and the torque from the 3660 is just ridiculously strong. I took it to the track last week and controlling all that power is a finger challenge. Now, I will replace transmitter and install a wheelie bar to kill it!! ?

The 3660 is more suited for 4wd where the motor is placed in the chassis for track use. It's a great 2wd bashing motor but not suited for 2wd track use too much weight in the back and a lot of wheel spin some of the power is wasted.

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